Our vacation spot

We decided to see if our favorite place to go on vacation had any cancellations their closing weekend and low and behold they had the room available that I've always wanted to stay in.  It is in the adirondack mountains and has a screened in porch!  We came here this summer with Bryan's family and they do family seating for dinner.  You might remember me talking about this last year.  So during the Summer we have such a large group we don't sit with anyone but our family.

This weekend its just the 4 of us so we are sat with other families.  i feel like i have no life and nothing to offer to conversations so i try to just ask people about themselves.  I have such a hard time when people ask what I do for work.  The first year I was out of work and had all intentions of returning I used to talk about my job but now that I've been out of work for over 2 years I have a hard time pretending I still work.  I just feel like telling people I stay home with drew is fine but its not really the truth.  But the truth is a huge bomb to drop and its an atomic one that you can't just leave on the table and walk away, yet we live with this bomb.

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