Nausea, aches and pains oh my

I have felt pretty awful the last couple of days.  I've been sleeping in the recliner, my tumors are so painful I can't even lay on my sides for a second.  I have some fluid which causes horrible cramping in my back and my abdomen.  I am nauseas also I believe from the fluid.  The suffering is so hard, it makes me think a lot about death because I have to believe that there is no suffering in heaven.

This trial has to work, please continue to pray for me.  One of my cousins is getting married Sunday and I so badly want to attend the wedding and feel good.  I  want to be able to eat and not feel sick, i want to visit with my family, i want to dance!  i just want to be normal again.  I am so scared and nervous about the trial because I feel like its my last hope right now.  Like my brother always says I just have to stay alive until there is a cure.

Heading to Boston now, if I feel ok I will try to update you all later!

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