Tuesday scan and treatment

Tuesday will be such a long day for me, we need to leave before 7am to get up to Boston.  I have a scan and then treatment.  I won't get results of the scan until probably the 2nd as my dr is out of town.  I am not too concerned with results, if it shows a little growth I will be surprised although it is expected with this kind of treatment.

I continue to get severe cramps early afternoon every day from the pills I take for the treatment.  We haven't been able to find anything to relieve that yet.  I get my week off starting next wed and I look forward to that as I get pretty immediate relief after stopping them.  The rash has gone away although something appears to be starting up again but nothing severe like last time.

Trying to enjoy extra time with kids as they are on Christmas break this week.  Keeping a 3 year old boy entertained indoors can be pretty hard!

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