trial info

I have all my tests next wednesday, starting at 7am. It is going to be a long day for us, as they fit them all in one day. Then the following wednesday, November 5, I start the trial with the IV drug. The first infusion is an hour and then I have to wait around for 3 hours after to see if I have any reactions. The other drug is a pill that I take each morning. I get the infusion 2 weeks in a row as well as take the pill and then I get a week off from both. They said that the second time I receive the infusion it can be done in 30 mins and I only have to wait around for an hour after to make sure I don't have any adverse reactions to it.

The trial can be found here if you are interested in reading about it

I feel very fortunate to have been chosen for this, I am the first one at Mass General on the trial (which kind of freaks me out). The Dr said that there are hundreds of people wanting in on this trial and she somehow chose me. I do have the KRAS mutation they talk about on the website so I know that was a deciding factor but I am sure she could have found someone else that fit the bill. I just feel so blessed that things fell into place as they did and want to express my gratitude for everyone constantly praying for me, I feel as though God made this happen and I have everyone to thank for their prayers. I also of course continue to pray that these drugs are effective in shrinking the tumors!!

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