just trucking along

I did not have a great week, with treatment on Monday I wasn't feeling very good on Thursday, throwing up again and just overall not having a good day keeping food down.  Today isn't that much better, but at least not getting sick.

I am missing the kids soccer game, partly because Elly won't play when I go she just wants to sit it in my lap and Drew seems to be into it I hope they both play today without mommy there.  Not feeling well enough to go today though, my stomach is still off. 

not much else to report.  I am getting an extra week break from chemo because of the holiday and a wedding we are going to.  I am so looking forward to that extra week where I will hopefully feel great.  my mom is taking advantage of this time and going home for a few weeks.  I am nervous to do things without her here as she mainly takes care of kids and everything household wise that I can't do.  I have a friend flying in to help out next week and then bryans mom will be here so hopefully we have everything in place we need.

Such a balance life is, and it is constantly changing!

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